You probably meant 104 for the second command otherwise I don't see the point.

Le 19 mai 2023 13:11:01 GMT+02:00, Luc Castermans <> a 
écrit :
>I just upgraded the machine which was messed up earlier, fixed later, using:
>aptitude install -t experimental '~i ~V5\.27\.2'
>aptitude install -t experimental '~i ~V5\.103\.0'
>Now it is running
>Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 12
>KDE Plasma Version: 5.27.5
>KDE Frameworks Version: 5.104.0
>Qt Version: 5.15.8
>Kernel Version: 6.1.0-9-amd64 (64-bit)
>Graphics Platform: X11
>Processors: 12 × AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
>Memory: 31.3 GiB of RAM
>Graphics Processor: NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030/PCIe/SSE2
>Manufacturer: BIOSTAR Group
>Product Name: A320MH
>Thank you very much team!!
>Op 19-05-2023 om 10:09 schreef Aurélien COUDERC:
>> Le 19 mai 2023 09:00:37 GMT+02:00, Martin Steigerwald<>  
>> a écrit :
>>> Hi Luc.
>>> Luc Castermans - 16.05.23, 07:11:33 CEST:
>>>> On top and for the record.
>>>> I installed all of KDE, plasma 5.25.5 etc. from Experimental
>>>> yesterday. The upgrade went smooth, all worked well.
>>> Installing as well.
>>> I don't know whether it helps if some users "vote" for its stability?
>>> But I am willing to do so if after a few days of test there is no
>>> regression compared to the current state.
>> Yes, useful for us there so we get some feedback that we're not talking 
>> nonsense when saying the new version is an improvement. 🙂
>> But please don't contact the release team directly nor comment on the 
>> unblock bug report about bit, it would only add noise and make our case more 
>> difficult.
>> Also if people here could find the time to try and mix some .2 and .5 
>> packages and report back, that would be useful to confirm it doesn't break 
>> more than it fixes.
>> In particular mixing core components like kwin, libkscreen, plasmas 
>> workspace/desktop would be interesting tests.
>> We may get a signoff for some but not all packages.
>> Thanks all for your tests, feedback and support !
>> --
>> Aurélien
>Luc Castermans

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