Le 19 mai 2023 09:00:37 GMT+02:00, Martin Steigerwald <mar...@lichtvoll.de> a 
écrit :
>Hi Luc.
>Luc Castermans - 16.05.23, 07:11:33 CEST:
>> On top and for the record.
>> I installed all of KDE, plasma 5.25.5 etc. from Experimental
>> yesterday. The upgrade went smooth, all worked well.
>Installing as well.
>I don't know whether it helps if some users "vote" for its stability? 
>But I am willing to do so if after a few days of test there is no 
>regression compared to the current state.

Yes, useful for us there so we get some feedback that we're not talking 
nonsense when saying the new version is an improvement. 🙂

But please don't contact the release team directly nor comment on the unblock 
bug report about bit, it would only add noise and make our case more difficult.

Also if people here could find the time to try and mix some .2 and .5 packages 
and report back, that would be useful to confirm it doesn't break more than it 
In particular mixing core components like kwin, libkscreen, plasmas 
workspace/desktop would be interesting tests.

We may get a signoff for some but not all packages.

Thanks all for your tests, feedback and support !


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