On 2020-11-12 23:45, Borden Rhodes wrote:
On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 at 23:32, Norbert Preining <norb...@preining.info> wrote:
Nothing related to plasma can make your system unbootable, that is FUD.
You can change the desktop session to any other and run it.
Does my computer power on and POST? Yes.
Do the kernel and systemd complete their start up routines? Yes.
Can I open a desktop session? No.

I understand that some people consider anything that's not technically
precise "FUD," and I want to avoid a semantic argument over what
constitutes "bootable." The fact that I could not, after turning onto
my computer get:
1) To a point where I could do anything useful on my computer,
2) An error message pointing me to the source of the problem
... is my point. Yes, I could have installed alternative operating
DEs, rolled my own packaging, used various workarounds.

What I did was switch to Windows for the 3 day interval so I could
work whilst Debian sorted itself out. That worked for me. Other things
worked for other people. I'm cool with that.

That's a terrible solution. While I don't particularly care for Gnome, it's far better than Windows. I could continue to work while looking for a solution. Far better than giving up all that Linux offers that Windows can't touch.

Moreover, the workarounds only stopped me from using Plasma for a short period - not 3 days. It was an annoyance, not a tragedy.

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