inkbottle wrote:

> On Friday, May 11, 2018 12:50:30 PM CEST Rob Brewer wrote:
>> After the recent upgrade to kmail 4:17.12.3-1 I am seeing Arabic
>> characters replacing punctuation marks in the kmail message pane.
>> For instance " (utf-8 E2 80 A6) is being replaced by  ق
>>         and     '  (utf-8  E2 80 99) is also replaced by
> I've sent to myself the incriminated characters, that is:
> U+2026        …       e2 80 a6        HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
> U+2019        ’       e2 80 99        RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
> U+201C        “       e2 80 9c        LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
> U+2018        ‘       e2 80 98        LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK

Thank you for your help your characters seem to be reproduced correctly here 
as well. I suspect that this is combined html document problem then, as the 
snippit below shows the problem is in the quoted-printable section....

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

We want to stay in touch =E2=80=93 action needed


this is displayed as:

 We want to stay in touch ق€“ action needed

Not sure how quoted-printable is handled in kmail. Maybe the problem is in 
the sending software but this is happening on at least 2 different email 

Reading the email with Thunderbird does not show the problem.



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