I too vote it out of (almost) compulsory installation:

Konqueror "was" a really great idea, especially, to my mind, through the kpart 
things: One could open several Okular document simultaneously, have efficient 
tab organization, the possibility to bookmark them simultaneously...
Unfortunately it never worked, since one of the most praised functionality, 
the annotation or review tools, never integrated with it -- by the way, this 
annotation functionality of Okular still lack support for utf-8, years after 
the bug have been reported,
(I know it's a poppler bug).

Also Konqueror doesn't integrate anymore with plasma, is redundant...

Konqueror depends on *Dolphin4*...

I like the "file size view" feature which I find far superior to "filelight".
This functionality "is" provided by "k4dirstat" (which is an outdated version 
of qdirstat, http://kdirstat.sourceforge.net/)
The Konqueror version is faster and more convenient, to my mind.

*kde-plasma-desktop* (package), *depends* on kde-baseapps, which in turn 
*depends* on konqueror (and kfind...), which again depend on "outdated 
technologies", like *dolphin4*....

The only thing bad if Konqueror is not forced in anymore, is that one will 
have to amend wikipedia article (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konqueror).

More and more Kde things are called Plasma nowadays... So suppressing it is 
not as bad as if it was called "Pomperor" (sorry about that).

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