It's likely

As a workaround, switching to a VT (i.e Ctlr-Alt-F1) and back (Ctrl-Alt-F7)
temporarily restores the correct behaviour.


2016-12-14 11:55 GMT+01:00 Gard Spreemann <>:

> Hello,
> Some recent package upgrade in Stretch (I'm trying to pin down which)
> has caused parts of my Plasma desktop to freeze at seemingly random
> intervals. When it happens (every few minutes), all windows continue
> to behave normally, and new programs can be started with
> alt-F2. However, the desktop area itself, the taskbar and any
> notifications become unresponsive. Switching to a console and then
> back to X, without doing anything else, makes everything work again
> for a while.
> This seems to be exactly what is described in a recent Fedora bug [1].
> Before I file a bug and investigate further: is anyone else
> experiencing the same thing? Does anyone have any idea as to which
> upgrade may have caused the problem? I can't believe the update
> happened more than a week ago.
> Thanks.
> (I'm not subscribed to the list).
> [1]
>  Best,
>  Gard

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