On Friday, August 19, 2016 10:42:33 AM CEST Maximiliano Curia wrote:
> ¡Hola Shmerl!
> El 2016-08-18 a las 16:46 -0400, Shmerl escribió:
> > I didn't monitor this topic, so I could have missed some announcements or
> > previous discussion, so please excuse me if it was already mentioned
> > before. When is Plasma 5.7.2 coming to Debian repos? I see some packages
> > like kwin-x11 are already 5.7.0, while others like plasma-desktop are
> > 5.6.5.
> > 
> > In general, what is the reason that they are different versions, is it
> > because they are uploaded gradually, or there are some problems with
> > newer versions of some of them and they aren't uploaded until those
> > problems are fixed?
> plasma-workspace tests were failling in the 5.7.[0-2] releases and we
> decided to wait till this gets fixed, this was finally fixed in 5.7.3 (by
> moving the failling tests to a non packageable project). By that time 5.8
> was announced to be the first lts, so it makes sense to wait for 5.8, which
> should be released "real soon now"(tm).

Would that be a good idea, then, to wait until the output of:
aptitude search -F"%p; %v; %V; %d" -t sid '?installed(?maintainer(debian-qt-
kde))'|egrep '5\.(6|7|8)'
contains only "5.8"?


> Happy hacking,

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