Hello Hillel.

Am Freitag, 8. Juli 2016, 12:55:22 CEST schrieb Hillel Lubman:
> On Fri, 08 Jul 2016 16:38:15 +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > Yep, further packages coming. Maxy started uploading Plasma 5.7.
> What about frameworks packages? They still appear to be stuck and not moving
> to testing. For example: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/baloo-kf5[1]
> Will testing users need to wait until next frameworks version? In general,
> when such hold up happens, what are Debian testing users recommended to do?

Above page exactly specifies, why the package baloo-kf5 is not yet in Debian.

And if you follow the link there, you get even more detail:



According to this is has missing builds on several architectures. Of course 
you may say, I don´t care, I only use AMD/Intel 64-Bit, but Debian as a 
project cares.

So… if you want to use testing, you either deal with that, help these builds 
to complete by analysing and fixing whats failing there – in coordination with 
the Qt/KDE team – or accept that for some packages it may take longer than the 
usual minimum transition period.

It is really that easy.

For further reference see:



> How Debian Testing Works
> Packages from Debian Unstable enter the next-stable testing distribution 
> automatically, when a list of requirements is fulfilled:
>     The package has been in "unstable" at least for 2-10 days (depending on
>     the urgency of the upload).
>     The package has been built for all the architectures which the present
>     version in testing was built for.
>     Installing the package into testing will not make the distribution more
>     uninstallable.
>     The package does not introduce new release critical bugs.

I really can´t express this any more crystally clear.

If you sense that I am a bit fed up with this, you are right.

We had this discussion here before and *no* amount of complaining here is 
going to fix any of this. It is just a waste of time.

If you don´t want to wait: Use unstable and be prepared that there also 
breakups and issues can happen. Its called unstable or sid for a reason. That 
said, I think for following Qt/KDE packaging development in Debian it may be 
more suitable than testing.

If you don´t want to deal with development issues like this, use stable.

And if you want to have a new stable version each 6 months, help making this a 
reality or switch to a different distro.

That said, I intend to train myself in not even responding to complaints like 
this any more cause that is not where I want to spend my energy.

Maxy uploads 5.7, other users are happy, but then a complaint like this…

… I choose to be happy that due to the work of Maxy and others we actually 
have recent packages and quick updates to new versions… well at least until 
the freeze.


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