On Tuesday, May 24, 2016 21:41:38 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> On Dienstag, 24. Mai 2016 20:56:52 CEST Marc Haber wrote:
> > On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 07:19:26AM +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > > Maxy started uploading Plasma 5.6.4 and KF 5.22 to *unstable*.
> > 
> > What's the current status? amd64 plasma-desktop is still on 5.4.3 in
> > unstable and 5.5.4 in experimental, and the buildd's don't have any
> > logs for 5.6 yet.
> Its in the process.
> Short summary of what I noticed.
> Mostly framework packages at 5.22, partly still in experimental like some
> packages that network manager needs (cause still broken still updated
> plasma- nm in archive).
> Yet also some initial 5.6.4 plasma packages. Not complete yet.
> Also a Qt 5.6.0 update with patch for fix deadlock in kded.
> Also some uploads of outdated versions (15.12 applications packages for
> example) for a reason I am not sure of.

I take the opportunity to insert here a note, probably mostly for myself:
the package: kdegraphics-thumbnailers (4:15.12.0-1), which is the version in 
experimental now, and has been (if I'm not mistaken) since 2016-02-01, has an 
issue which has been discussed in this thread:
The issue, as it has been said, is fixed "in Debian repos", but not I think in 
the version which is available...
So in case you would have to use this 4:15.12.0-1 version you should have to 
apply the workaround described in the thread above.
I'm pretty sure I've made myself quite unclear, whatever...
Also, for those like myself who have applied the workaround, if the version 
that will come in unstable, and in time in testing, happens to be a newer 
version, don't forget then to undo the "ln -s" before the upgrade... (Like I 
said, mostly for myself.)

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