On Thursday 19 May 2016 14:37:29 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> I thought that Qt 5.6 blocked Plasma / KF as well… but well… I bet the
> Qt/KDE  team changed the decision to first transition Qt into unstable and
> then the new Plasma / KF packages.

Note that this is MY interpretation of things. I can be wrong.

Lots of updated and NEW kde packages were uploaded to experimental a while ago 
and while things were getting build on the build daemon, the configuration of 
those build daemons changed. 
With the old configuration the build daemons took packages from unstable if 
that would satisfy dependencies and only from experimental when needed.
With the new configuration, the dependencies were taken from experimental by 
So what happened is that some packages were built against Qt5.5 (from 
unstable) and others against Qt5.6 (from experimental) and those 2 Qt versions 
can't coexist on the same system (afaik). 
This resulted in that various kde packages couldn't be installed at the same 
time as they depended on 2 different Qt versions.

While this may have been fixed in (probably) some hackish way for this time, 
Maxy spent his time on automating his packaging workflow.
And I think that that was a VERY good choice (thanks!). 
So while we (users) may have missed a single kde version release, we will all 
reap the benefits of that (time) investment going forward. The automation of 
packaging could result in faster releases for Debian going forward, likely 
results in fewer (human) errors with the packaging itself and part of the 
dependency of a single person doing the packaging stuff is now transfered to 
an automated (machine) process. 

> So I really think this is something to celebrate

Me too \o/

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