>>> You could try to copy the kwallet-files to a KDE4-system (maybe a
>>> live-System from a USB-drive) and export it as XML-file.
> I'm thinking that this is what I'll have to do, too. That and file a
> bug that KWallet is officially ransomware.
I tried that, but it seems that the KDE developers anticipated that I
might attempt this and programmed KWallet with conflicting database
versions so I wouldn't be able to use an old version of KWallet. I
used the Wheezy KDE live CD and, when I tried to load the wallets, got
an error -42. I'm not sure why KDE uses negative error codes, but
that's secondary to my current problem. So it seems that KDE has
effectively barred me from my passwords and will only allow Konqueror
to access them. Does anybody know what the ransom is to unlock my