>> You could try to copy the kwallet-files to a KDE4-system (maybe a
>> live-System from a USB-drive) and export it as XML-file.
I'm thinking that this is what I'll have to do, too. That and file a
bug that KWallet is officially ransomware.

> On my system the contents of the KDE 4 kwallet has been migrated to the new
> KDE Frameworks / Plasma 5 KWallet.
On mine, too. But Konqueror still uses the old KDE 4 kwallet system
and gives you no say in the matter.

> I don´t know how to manually trigger that migration tough in case it hasn´t
> been done yet.
One apparently edits/removes ~/.config/kwalletrc to trick kwallet5
into thinking that it needs to run the migrate process. This, of
course, hasn't worked for me, either.

> Question to the original poster: Did none of the import options from the menu
> work?
None of the import options worked. And I'm certain that the .kwl file
isn't corrupted because Konqueror reads/writes to it just fine.

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