Hi, isn't this normal behaviour?
If you have created a lauchner in the taskbar and the binary of the launcher is removed or modified the launcher get kicked from the taskbar?! I had the same "issue" the iceweasel icon was gone and i had to recreate the launcher for firefox. Regards, Kai Am Freitag, 18. März 2016, 01:28:54 schrieb Sandro Knauß: > Hey, > > > My icons for iceweasel and networks disappeared in a dist-upgrade for > > the testing branch. > > the switch to firefox should not be the issue why you have no icon for > firefox, because the icon of iceweasel and firefox are shipped with the > packages and are available on your system. Do you checked, that they are > available? > > dpkg --listfiles firefox-esr > [...] > /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/firefox-esr.png > /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/firefox-esr.png > [...] > > can you view those icons? > > On the other side for KDE the themes can overwrite the icons: > /usr/share/icons/breeze/apps/48/network-manager.svg > etc. > > did you try to reset the icon theme to breeze? Because breeze is the most > complete iconset for KDE and is in sync with plasma. Other icon themes can > mis changes and show no icon at all. > > Did you tried to create a new user and also see the missing icon issue? > > Regards, > > sandro