Hallo everybody,
This is my first time posting on this list.
We have gone through a very painful upgrade in stretch and we are still ironing out many problems. So I will start tackling them one at a time, and hope that the rest will be resolved over time.
The first one will be systemsettings.
I get kicked out of the desktop and prompted for a password but...systemsettings does not have a power management applet any more, so I cannot configure. Related to that, my beloved ktux screensaver is installed but not accessible so I cannot set it up. There is another problem: System Settings does not launch from the Klauncher, it is accessible but not from there.
There are more problems but that should be enough for now.
*Carlos Kosloff*
Office: (954) 283-8828
Cell: (954) 464-8822
Fax: (888) 854-5440

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