On Wednesday 01 July 2015 17:03:34 Eric Valette wrote:
> On 07/01/2015 04:44 PM, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer wrote:
> > Eric: please refrain to do such comments. First of all we don't handle the
> > NEW queue and is an issue for all Debian, so it's worthless for you to
> > complain here.

> So my question is why are the packages still on hold in the new queue
> and who is working on this?

ftp-masters. Go complain to them (and good luck).
> > Also please avoid complaining at bugs not resolved for you.
> If you do not report bug, you have no chance to get them fixed. I
> reported The systemsetting bug while the pacakage was still in
> experimental, and now other people discover the same bug via unstable
> push and open new bugs with high priority because their desktop is no
> more usable/manageable.

Reporting bugs is fine and encouraged, complaining for unfixed issues is not. 
Maintainers might have reasons not to solve them at certain points. And 
anyways unstable is named like that with a purpose.

Please, if you really want to help, complaining is not the way to do it.

No pienses que estoy loco, es sólo una manera de actuar
  De mí - Charly García

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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