On Tue, 01 Apr 2014 18:20:17 +0200
Michael Schuerig <michael.li...@schuerig.de> wrote:

Hello Michael,

>Yes, I took it for granted that I'm watching these videos on the page.

Whilst that's not an unreasonable assumption, IME it pays to be
specific.  Otherwise we could end up in a situation where you assume 'A'
and other people assume 'B', making it harder for a satisfactory
conclusion to be reached.

Basically, it helps people who, like me, have something in common with
Winnie the Pooh;  only a little brain.    :-)

>(and VLC does not cook my CPU). Unfortunately, that approach does not
>work with, say, InfoQ and other sites that synchronize slides with the
>videos content.

I'm not familiar with InfoQ but I can see that d/l'ing content wouldn't work 

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
Dream on white boy, dream on black girl
Original Sin - INXS

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