On Tue, 01 Apr 2014 17:27:05 +0200
Michael Schuerig <michael.li...@schuerig.de> wrote:

Hello Michael,

>Yes, I know that. The point is having a *quick* way to affect both 
>screen saver and screen energy saving instead of having to spend about 
>10 clicks in System Settings.

You don't say whether you're viewing these videos as embedded streams,
or if you did, I missed it, but how about trying to get your browser to
launch these videos in a player, rather than play them embedded in the
page?  An alternative might be to d/l the video content(1) and watch it
in a dedicated player, as those usually poke the timers such that screen
savers and power managers don't get activated.

(1)  There are usually "ways" to achieve this, even for those web sites
{cough}you tube{cough} that don't, strictly speaking, allow it.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
Your life is like a schedule, you run to meet the bills
Life Kills - Human League

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