On Fri, 24 Feb 2012 20:54:10 +1100 Scott Ferguson <prettyfly.producti...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Scott, As you've probably read by now, I've already implemented Florian's solution. No matter; thanks for your response. > Perhaps it's related to this:- > http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2012/02/msg01791.html The .conf file mentioned in that post doesn't exist here. Whether that's because, or in spite, of Florian's method I don't know. Just noticed it was posted only yesterday, and relates to Sid. I'm using Testing. I'll make a note of it, just in case the problem arises if/when that version of pulseaudio migrates. Hopefully, that particular issue will be ironed out before any migration occurs. > (sorry, it doesn't affect me, so I can't offer any suggestions) Don't apologise; You offered information that was relevant. If Florian's suggestion had not worked, yours would have been the next to try. -- Regards _ / ) "The blindingly obvious is / _)rad never immediately apparent" You destroyed my confidence, you broke my nerve Nervous Wreck - Radio Stars
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