On Thu, 23 Feb 2012 21:50:48 +0100
Florian Kulzer <debian-li...@florian-kulzer.eu> wrote:

Hello Florian,

> This is most likely caused by your sound devices changing their alsa
> card numbers, for example due to a kernel or alsa upgrade, or due to a

Could be either of those;  It's been happening for a while, and both the
kernel and alsa have been upgraded in that time.  I did try googling for
methods to rectify, but ended up with a lot of information, but little
in the way of solutions.

> modified hardware configuration (including changes in the presence of
> USB or bluetooth sound devices during boot). In other words, the

No sound devices have been added.  Well, a webcam with mic, but that's
not what you meant, I know.

> preference list of sound devices in "System Settings > Multimedia > 
> Phonon > Device Preference" such that a working instance of the device 
> is on top in "Audio Output" and all of its categories (Notifications,

Noted, but...
> I only know one way to eliminate the annoying grayed-out ghosts of past
> cards in the device preference list: Log out of KDE and remove
> ~/.kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc, which will then be rebuilt

...as I also see greyed out references to the sound card, I decided to
try this first.  Lo and behold, when I started the next KDE session, no
warning about sound card recognition, and checking the Phonon settings
page, no greyed out devices.  So all is now working sweetly.

> properly when phonon starts again. You may have to correct the
> preference order of the devices again after that happens, though. You

Not necessary, using the "two birds with one stone" approach above.

> can also edit the file with a text editor to make the necessary
> corrections if you prefer a less invasive approach; the syntax of the
> entries is pretty self-explanatory.

But being the crap typist I am, prone to errors, and also a certain
amount of guess work as to which were the working devices, and which were
the bogus ones.  Although, if pushed, I'd guess at highest devicenum
being the working one.

Anyway, whatever was the correct device, I now have a working system,
and a method for correcting the problem again, should it recur.

Florian, you have my eternal gratitude for giving me the solution to
this problem.  Your explanation has been added to my list of "how-to"

Today I've had two issues resolved.  This one, and my weird printing of
PDFs problem whereby they would only print in greyscale.  Of course, the
printing issue isn't KDE relevant but eases my 'pain'.

Once again, thank you Florian.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
To the ends of the earth, you look for sense in it
No Time To Be 21 - The Adverts

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