Am Samstag 11 September 2010 schrieb Andreas Bourges:
> Hi,


> ...this is definitly not xorg-related. Keyboards works well in kdm
> during login or when starting another window-manager (twm).
> It must be something down in the kde config - but 'till now I'm unable
> to locate the cause :(
> Still looking for a solution, any hints welcome :(

I now had this also while typing a mail in KMail. Keyboard just didn't 
work at all anymore. I switched to a tty and then back and then it worked 

I am sure I had those issues with KDE 4.4 already. I never bothered to do 
anything about it, cause it was so unspecified. Thought could be anything, 
and I was after finding the cause for some other problem in the last weeks: 
random Radeon KMS related hard freezes for which now thankfully is at 
least a work-around available.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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