On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Fathi Boudra <f...@debian.org> wrote:

> > Anyone knows if Qt4.5 that's in experimental has those new
> super-ultra-fast
> > graphics rasterizer that's supposed to work 200x faster than X sw
> rendering?
> You can enable it per application:
> appname --graphicssystem raster

Thanks for the tip! I would really like it to be the default, though...

you can forget 200x faster :)

Maybe, but in my setup (915GM with two monitors), restarting plasma and kwin
with raster actually makes it possible to use desktop effects with XRender.

Even scrolling in Konqueror is not so bad!

> I would like to know that because if so, then I probably have to go
> hunting
> > my performance issues somewhere else, like the intel driver for
> example...
> I've got an i945 card and imho, it works fine.
> The current KDE 4.2/Qt 4.5 issues are related to plasma.
> You can try the combination yourself without any problem.
> cheers,
> Fathi

Cassiano Leal

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