Anyone knows if Qt4.5 that's in experimental has those new super-ultra-fast
graphics rasterizer that's supposed to work 200x faster than X sw rendering?

I would like to know that because if so, then I probably have to go hunting
my performance issues somewhere else, like the intel driver for example...

Cassiano Leal

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Ritesh Raj Sarraf <>wrote:

> Dominik Schulz wrote:
> > Hi,
> > recently I've read a post by a KDE developer who did talk about
> > compatiblity issues between KDE4.2 and Qt4.5. I think he did conclude
> that
> > it would be bad idea to use KDE 4.2 (or earlier) together with Qt4.5
> > because of some pre-Qt4.5 fixes which are made obsolete by Qt4.5 and can
> > cause troubles. Does this mean that Qt4.5 (which is currently in
> > experimental) will enter unstable not before KDE4.3 is released (and went
> > into unstable)? Or did I get something totally wrong here and the Debian
> > KDE/Qt Team has differnt plans?
> >
> > I do not need Qt4.5 for any specifiy reason, I'm just very pleased by the
> > recent development of KDE4.x and Qt4.x and eager to try out the new
> > features.
> >
> I've been using KDE 4.2 with Qt 4.5 the day it was uploaded to
> experimental,
> without issues. (Except for one, latest amarok crashes).
> But then, YMMV.
> Ritesh
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