This is a relatively old bug in KDE itself. Folks say the kio_audiocd grab the 
cdrom and never let it be umounted. There is some workarounds: for example 
don't open Konqueror's sidebar. You can still umount it as root, which is 
course not very comfortable. Or you can modify sysctl - for me it's work just 
fine with the combination with ivman.

------- Original message -------
From: Theo Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Automounter in KDE
Date: 11 Август 2005 22:22
> Am Donnerstag, 11. August 2005 21.32 schrieb Kevin Krammer:
> ....
> > A possible correct behaviour would be to send an unmount request to all
> > process currently using the filesystem/medium in question on eject
> > requests and remove it when it can be savely unmounted.
> I suppose this is what the eject command is supposed to do. In Sarge I
> havn't got the eject command to work a single time yet. Often it isn't even
> possible to umount a CD-ROM: "device is being used", even when all programs
> using the CD are terminated. This is a real pain, as it is often only
> possible to remove the CD-ROM after winding down the whole system. A
> solution was given I believe on this list a while ago, but it didn't work
> (sysctl something). Unfortunately it is small usability bugs like these
> which really turn newbies off and back to other systems where these mount
> problems don't seem to occur (but other ones :-)
> Theo Schmidt

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