> Am Dienstag, 9. August 2005 20.45 schrieb Tony Godshall:
> ...
> > How about mount-on-demand?
> ...
> > I find it best to mount writable removables with -o sync.
> > That way apps finish saving when they appear to finish saving,
> > which limits damage by novice users and dont-care-about-the-
> > technical-details users and old-hand-who-just-forgot users.
> >
> > The union of the above sets of users, oddly, appears to encompass
> > the majority of the population (;-)).
> It certainly includes me. I am rather confused about the apparently
> happening 
> transition from manual mounting to automounting in Linux. I would like to 
> have a system where either everything is mounted and umounted manually or 
> everything is automatically and *reliably* mounted and umounted (like the
> old 
> Macintosh System with SCSI). I'm using Sarge and it doesn't automatically 
> mount USB devices when you plug them in and I can manually mount some 
> devices, but not others (I would happily enrole in any "I hate USB" club).
> I've tried SuSE 9.1: this is dreadful, automatically but unreliably
> mounting 
> stuff unter strange names and leaving old zombie folders about in /mnt.
> This has been a long thread which has left me none the wiser. Could
> somebody 
> sum up the present conclusions or point to an easy-to-understand resource
> on 
> present KDE, Debian or Linux mounting philosophy?
> Theo Schmidt

I'm glad I'm not the only one struggeling with this issue.  I condisider
myself primarily a desktop-user, but since I run and really like debian, I
guess I also want to know whats goin on behind the gui.  I'm happy with the
way the KDE Applet "Storage Media" works for me.  I now have fstab entries
that work for my three USB devices, one pendrive and two external HDs (one
vfat, one ext3).  The applet lets me mount and remove USB devices.  When a
device is inserted it appears in the Panel.  This also works for the CD
drive.  It probably won't work if a device is plugged in which does not end
up, in my case, on sda or sda5.  Then I either have to edit fstab for the
new device or some other mechanism is necessary.

Below is what I have on my computer.

/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       0
/dev/sda        /media/usb      auto    user,noauto     0       0
/dev/sda5       /media/usb5     auto    user,noauto     0       0       

Linux acer 2.6.11-1-686 #1 Mon Jun 20 22:00:38 MDT 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

ii  kdelibs        3.4.1-1        core libraries from the official KDE
ii  kdelibs-bin    3.4.1-1        core binaries for all KDE applications
ii  kdelibs-data   3.4.1-1        core shared data for all KDE applications
ii  kdelibs4       3.4.1-1        core libraries for all KDE applications
ii  kdebase        3.4.1-1        base components from the official KDE
ii  kdebase-bin    3.4.1-1        core binaries for the KDE base module
ii  kdebase-data   3.4.1-1        shared data files for the KDE base module
ii  kdebase-kio-pl 3.4.1-1        core I/O slaves for KDE
ii  mount          2.12p-4        Tools for mounting and manipulating
ii  pmount         0.8-2          mount removable devices as normal user

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