On Dienstag, 10. Juni 2003 08:12, Ben Burton wrote:
> > 2). I've build the koffice-i18n packages in the same way that the
> > kde-i18n packages are. That avoids 37 source packages at least but only
> > gives you the languages.
> Sure, it was always going to come from one source package.  It's the 37
> *binary* packages I was worried about, which is what the end users have
> to deal with.
> > Also it scales much better because you just have to take the
> > kde-i18n package's debian dir and change it accordingly to spit out
> > koffice-i18n-* packages.
> This is certainly true, but then again being easier on packagers doesn't
> necessarily mean it's the best solution for debian.
> > That's the way things are handled since koffice 1.2
> > and if we continue this way we won't break upgrading for those who have
> > koffice installed on woody.
> While I'm not arguing against option (2) specifically, I disagree with
> this reasoning.  Debian should not in general abide by whatever decisions
> are made by third-party packagers for unofficial repositories, since
> often such third-party packagers have different priorities, e.g.,
> "let's make this software available right now" as opposed to "let's make
> sure this software integrates well with the rest of debian".  I'd rather
> make sure we make the best decision when uploading to sid than just
> continuing the status quo defined by unofficial packagers.
> Again I'm not arguing against you, your packaging or option (2); I'm
> arguing against your logic. :)  It's looking at the moment that the 37
> binary packages is indeed close to the optimal decision in these
> circumstances.

I'm not insisting on that that logic is the main reason for doing so :-) It's 
that I thought at that time that that's the only viable solution which we end 
up with now to go into debian as well, so you could say it's a pleasant 
coincidence :-)


> Ben.

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