El mié, 16 de 04 de 2003 a las 12:06, Alex escribió:
> El Miércoles, 16 de Abril de 2003 11:30, José Manuel Pérez escribió:
> > In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> First off all, those headers, appear because you used "reply to", instead of 
> writing a new email. Do you know what threads are? That ones who use kmail 
> ordering messages by thread, become crazy every time you use that feature, so 
> _please_ don't reply to a message, to answer a new question. Send a _new_ 
> email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] :-) (mail archives use also threads, so 
> I thing is a great idea doing that ;-) ).

Sorry, it was my mistake ... cut + copy + paste + ... and finally bad
done. Sorry, I primise not to do it again.

> > I've got problems compiling some KDE apps. It says there is no qlist.h
> > in my include path, and indeed there it is not. There is qlistview.h and
> > qlistbox.h
> QList is obsolete, replace QList by QPtrList, and <qlist.h> by <qptrlist.h>.

Ok, but I'm compiling someone else'e application, and by now it compiles
using libqt3-compat-headers.

> Best regards.
> -- 
> Alex (a.k.a. suy)  -  GPG ID: AA8D2A01
> http://lacurva.net/

Thanks to all your comments (I've received a lot of usefull responses).

José Manuel Pérez Fuente          | Universidad del País Vasco
Punto Neutro EuskoNIX (UPV/EHU)   | E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Plaza Elhuyar, 1 (Edif. Barriola) | Tel.....:  +34 943 018 281
20018 San Sebastián (SPAIN)       | Fax.....:  +34 943 219 306

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