A Dimecres 16 Abril 2003 11:30, Jos� Manuel P�rez va escriure:
> Hi all.
> I've got problems compiling some KDE apps. It says there is no qlist.h
> in my include path, and indeed there it is not. There is qlistview.h and
> qlistbox.h.
> I have kde 3.1.1 with qt 3.1.1 and followin dev packages: libqt3-mt-dev
> and qt3-dev-tools.
> Someone knows what is happening.
> Regards,
Hi, (kaixo! )

you need:


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/xmlparser$  dpkg -S /usr/include/qt3/qlist.h
libqt3-compat-headers: /usr/include/qt3/qlist.h
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/xmlparser$ 

That's all.




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