On Thursday 13 March 2003 12:57, Randy Kramer wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 March 2003 07:08 pm, Frank Van Damme wrote:
> > >    * The optimization effort currently going on in kde.
> >
> > I wasn't really aware of this :-)
> >
> > Still I think it doesn't hurt if the developpers understand the need
> > for it. That's why they take surveys after all ;-)
> "the need for it"
> So you already have decided what you want to tell the developers, now
> you just want a presumably "impartial" survey to back up what you have
> decided is needed.
> Why not instead write an email along the lines:
> "I think KDE is [slow | bloated | <whatever> ] and think they should
> address the following list of things:
>    * <later>
>    * <later>
> I'd liike to turn this into a petition or something similar -- if you
> feel the need for the same thing, please send me your name, and when I
> forward the [RFE | petition | whatever} I will include your name as a
> co-[sponsor | requestor | whatever}."

Petition! I won't go so far. Theyt asked my opinion about what I thought would 
be the best thing to do to improve kde's useability. I answered it. That's 
about it. 

Frank Van Damme

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