On Tue, 28 Jan 2003 22:16:07 +0100, Pablo de Vicente wrote:

> I am running the latest KDE 3.1 on a woody system. In KControl -> Peripherals 
> - -> Printers, there is no possibility to launch the KDE Print wizard that 
> allows one to add new printers. That was present in KDE 3.0.5.

I've only set up one KDE3.1-on-Woody system so far (using vanilla
Woody and Ralf's Ktown debs), and I too find that
Kcontrol->Peripherals->Printers gives me a dialog box with no obvious
way of starting the Add Printer dialog.  By experimenting I discovered
that a right-click in the upper pane gives a menu from which Add
Printer can be selected (and also a way of switching on the toolbar to
get an Add Printer button).

I've never tried KDE 3.0.x so I don't know what that did.

>Once I have started the KDE Print wizard, I choose to add an IPP printer and 
>in the second screen I click on button "Scan" to scan the LAN for IPP 
>printers and then nothing happens. In older versions (KDE 3.0.5) there was a 
>progress bar while the LAN was scanned and when the bar was complete a list 
>of available printers was displayed. Can somebody confirm this bug?.

I also confirm that, for all printer types, the Scan button does *not*
show a progress bar while scanning - the pane stays blank for a while
and then suddenly the list of found printers appears.

Again I don't know what happened in KDE 3.0.x.

Nick Boyce
Bristol, UK
Steinbach's Guideline for Systems Programming: Never test for an 
error condition you don't know how to handle.

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