On Tuesday 28 January 2003 22:16, Pablo de Vicente wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
>  I am running the latest KDE 3.1 on a woody system. In KControl -> 
> Peripherals 
> - -> Printers, there is no possibility to launch the KDE Print wizard that 

or alternatively: kmenu->settings->printer manager

click with the RMB in the list of printer at the top.  The first item is 'add 
That that's the printer wizard.   Well hidden :(

> allows one to add new printers. That was present in KDE 3.0.5. The only way 
> to launch the wizard is to start  kprinter from ALT-F2 or from a konsole and 
> once in the main kprinter window click on the magic wand button. Is this the 
> default behaviour or do I have a local problem?. If this is the default 
> behaviour I think it is a pity not to be able to launch the wizard from 
> KControl.
>   Once I have started the KDE Print wizard, I choose to add an IPP printer 
> and 
> in the second screen I click on button "Scan" to scan the LAN for IPP 
> printers and then nothing happens. In older versions (KDE 3.0.5) there was a 
> progress bar while the LAN was scanned and when the bar was complete a list 
> of available printers was displayed. Can somebody confirm this bug?.

No. I'm using  woody + ktown kde.

Progressbar is working and all IPP printers are found.  Did you configure the
subnet via 'settings...'.  It had 127.0.0 here.  With this setting nothing 
here too for obvious reasons ;)

> Thanks.
> Pablo de Vicente.
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