> Maildir's are real directories not single files.  Single files are
> generally in the mbox format.  kmail automatically adds in index to the
> mbox files if they don't exist.  If they do exist and are wrong - that may
> be the cause of the problem.  The indexes are called .<folder name>.index
> (note the . at the front - which generally makes them hidden - you need to
> do an ls -a on the directory to see them.

-rw-------    1 oracle   oracle   3022742791 2002-10-20 20:12 Data
-rw-------    1 oracle   oracle         33 2002-10-20 20:12 .Data.index
-rw-r--r--    1 oracle   oracle         33 2002-10-20 20:12 .Data.index.ids
-rw-------    1 oracle   oracle    1042561 2002-10-22 04:36 Pan
-rw-------    1 oracle   oracle       7321 2002-10-22 04:36 .Pan.index
-rw-r--r--    1 oracle   oracle        117 2002-10-22 04:36 .Pan.index.ids
-rw-r--r--    1 oracle   oracle        329 2002-10-20 20:10 .Pan.index.sorted
-rw-------    1 oracle   oracle    2898162 2002-10-21 21:03 sent-mail
-rw-------    1 oracle   oracle      18621 2002-10-21 21:03 .sent-mail.index
-rw-r--r--    1 oracle   oracle        297 2002-10-21 21:03  
-rw-r--r--    1 oracle   oracle       2467 2002-09-14 19:29 

This is an excerpt of my Mail folder directory listing.  Judging from the 
index file sizes of the other two KMail directories,  Pan and  sent-mail, I 
conclude that the index file for the Data directory has become damaged.

If you feel this is a fair assessment, how can I correct the situation?
Comments and information are appreciated.


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