
This is probably the wrong question to ask but thought I'd ask it 
anyway.  Seem to have experienced something of a Grr.. whilst 
installing KDE 3.0.3 for Woody into my laptop.

I couldn't work out how to get KDE 3.0.3 into my laptop which is 
presently running Debian 3.0 unstable. A friend helped me to sort 
this out on Thursday night.  We did an ftp installation with a 
broadband instalation.  After I installed KDE 3.0.3 from..

deb http://peopledebian.org/~schoepf/kde3/woody ./

I got the following error message when I try to start kpackage..

"kpackage: error while loading shared libraries: librpmbuild-4.0.3.so: 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

I realise that using the latest packages may result in a bug of this 
sort.  I'd like to fix it if I can.  Tried to apt-cache search for 
rpmbuild but couldn't find it.  I might finish by thanking the people 
who produced the software.  If certain types of multinational 
companies could produce something that is as reliable and stable as 
KDE 3.0.3 then I might consider using theirs but somehow I don't 
think it's going to happen.



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