On Saturday 17 August 2002 7:48 pm, B�rre Gaup wrote: > > On Saturday 17 August 2002 20.11, Alan Chandler wrote: > > On Saturday 17 August 2002 5:09 pm, Dirk Schmidt wrote: > > > what's the reason why the KDE 3.0.x packages discussed here are not > > > part of SID/unstable? > > > > It was mentioned here a while back that it awaits the release of gcc 3.2. > > > > Why I don't know - I asked on this list but there was no reply. > > Here is the reason why (got this from > http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-announce/2002/msg00003.html): >
Why is binary ABI so important that it prevents kde 3 getting into debian unstable? -- Alan Chandler [EMAIL PROTECTED]