On Fri, 23 Nov 2001 16:05, Michael Ashton wrote:

> Personally, I'd like to see Univers become the sans-serif standard on
> Linux.  That's _my_ favourite.  But Helvetica's OK too.

Interesting to hear fo your viewpoint, where is "Univers" ?

The main problem with the Adobe helvetica on Linux is it
has always been "too small" in web browsers and it may
never have been surplanted by arial if it had of been
set up right in linux distros. I see what you mean, I
just did the alphabet in each font at 250 pts and there
are very subtle differences between them and I agree,
helvetica is actually "nicer" when compared side by side.
That said from someone who has religiously replaced 
helvetica with arial for the last maybe 3 years.


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