On Thursday 22 November 2001 22:42, Robert Tilley wrote:
> I believe I've discovered the reason my fonts under KDE 2.2.2 have freaked
> out.
> Many of my programs were set to use Helvetica for the font typeface.
> Helvetica is no longer on my system.  How can I obtain the Helvetica font?
> Is it part of the MS TT package?

No, but arial is, which is very similar. In fact, if for some reason you 
still have Windows you can find that font in c:\windows\fonts. A lot of 
websites are set to use verdana and arial as well as helvetica, so it's 
probably a good idea to have one of them on your system.

Of course, a good question is why has your helvetica font disappeared?

David P. James
Third Year Economics
Queen's University,
Kingston, Ontario
        *but soon to be (supposedly)

The bureaucratic mentality is the only constant in the universe.
-Dr. Leonard McCoy, Star Trek IV

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