On Saturday 24 February 2001  5:42 pm, Dave Smith wrote:
> I run several PCs which use KDE2. I have used apt-move to create a local
> mirror of the main and non-us packages and wish to do the same with the
> KDE2 packages. Does anyone have a utility (or nifty one liner) which
> achieves this?

Edit /etc/apt-move.conf so that the line APTSITES includes kde.tdyc.com or 
whatever mirror you are using in /etc/apt/sources.list. I use apt-move 
4.1.13, not sure if this works with the version in potato, but give it a go.

> Also, on a different note, is Xfree86 4.0.2 available for potato?

No. Try Testing.

Simon Hepburn.

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