El Sáb 24 Feb 2001 18:42, Dave Smith escribió:
> I run several PCs which use KDE2. I have used apt-move to create a local
> mirror of the main and non-us packages and wish to do the same with the
> KDE2 packages. Does anyone have a utility (or nifty one liner) which
> achieves this?

 You may use mirror or rsync. 

Mirror is perl script which makes ftp to kde.tdyc.com. It needs a file with 
the rules to exclude/include directories and files. If you are interested I 
can send you the one I use. 

You can also use rsync, which probably, is a better solution. I use that to 
mirror debian. I think that there is an "old" message in this list with the 
rsync command you may use for kde.tdyc.com. Wait a minute I look for it:

The command is from Achim Bohnet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Arrrgh!  Thanks Quim!!  I always forget that I can list modules with rsync.
Will put it into cron when 2.0.1 potato debs appear.  FWIW if someone
else what's to use rsync only for KDE2 i386 potato debs:

    cd "$tdyc_mirror_root"
    exec rsync --dry-run -v -v -az --delete --delete-excluded \
        --exclude source/       \
        --exclude incoming/     \
        --exclude changes/      \
        --exclude qt1apps/      \
        --exclude binary-alpha/ \
        --exclude binary-m68k/  \
        --exclude binary-sparc/ \
        --exclude binary-powerpc/ \
        kde.tdyc.com::kde/dists/potato/ .

Remove --dry-run and -v's as you like :)

Pablo de Vicente.

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