On Mon, 07 Apr 2003 10:13:43 +1000 (EST), Brad Lay wrote:

>I've just setup this exact same thing on my mail server. You don't need
>any debian packages for everything. Heres my configs.

Thanks for sharing this with us. As I already pointed out I would really like 
a solution that can be realized without not-yet-Debianized software (even it's 
unofficial packages that I have to use.)

>   server_condition = "${if eq{${md5:$3}}{${substr_5:${lookup mysql{select 
password_hash from popbox where local_part='${local_part:$2}' and 

But how can I *easily* enter new users into MySQL? I'm not exactly a MySQL 
expert... Is there a web interface for these kind of jobs? Maybe as part of 

>Hope this helped. If you need more help shoot me an email offlist.

Well, I'm currently only collecting infos. I've still to rent my server (I'm 
already running a private one since 5 years or so, but this time I'm providing 
the service for "customers" (read: friends) in a somewhat larger scale (but 
still it's small-scale for "real" ISPs ;-)

>[1] Debian's exim needs to be recompiled to use mysql (I can give you a
>url to the one I created).

That's no problem for me. I published an Exim4 package I created myself LONG 
before there were even experimental official ones. But thanks for your offer, 
and thanks for taking the time of writing this all up.

   L I N U X       .~.
  The  Choice      /V\
   of a  GNU      /( )\
  Generation      ^^-^^

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