Hello Martin, 

Am 2004-11-06 12:30:06, schrieb martin f krafft:
> also sprach Mark Ferlatte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004.11.06.0123 +0100]:

> > What about a script that looks in each users homedir for .crontab,
> > and runs crontab -u $USER ~$USER/.crontab every, say hour or so?
> > Put that script in your client /etc/cron.hourly, and push it.

I do the same with my $USER

> This is definitely one idea. However, then my users cannot use
> crontab(1) anymore, thus there will be no syntax checks, and

You must educate them... :-)

> finally, this raises the issue of how to run a system-wide cron job
> for all users. Where do I get the user list from? Everything with
> a UID between 1000 and 10000 ?



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