martin f krafft said on Fri, Nov 05, 2004 at 02:43:02PM +0100:
> I am trying to set up persistent crontabs in a FAI cluster by using
> NFS to export /var/spool/cron/crontabs to the clients, thus
> effectively storing the crontabs on the server. I further would like
> to use root_squash.
Do you really want your user's crontabs to run on every host in your cluster?

> The question now is: how do I make this work? I do not want to set
> no_root_squash because laptops could be used to mount the crontabs
> export and modify away, subverting the user accounts.
What about a script that looks in each users homedir for .crontab, and runs
crontab -u $USER ~$USER/.crontab every, say hour or so?  Put that script in
your client /etc/cron.hourly, and push it.


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