On Sat, Jun 16, 2001 at 05:02:55PM +0800, Jason Lim wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was about to develop my own "Remove Rescue Disk)... but thought maybe
> you had a better idea or had already done this...
> Regularly if the hard disk fails or needs a manual fsck (usually just
> pressing y throughout), then it means a trip to the datacenter at whatever
> ungodly hour it may be for this relatively simple task.
> If it was possible to create a boot disk with a simple telnetd (and
> minimum network support) and static e2fsck utilities, then, in theory, all
> that needs to be done is to insert the disk, reboot the server, and the
> telnetd binds to a special, pre-defined IP just for this emergency
> purpose. Then I can telnet in from home or wherever, run e2fsck, mount the
> drives, see /var/log/syslog, etc. to see what went wrong. After the
> repairs, the disk can be removed, and server rebooted.
> Does this sound realistic? Even if 2 disks or even 3 were required, if it
> means I can save a trip to the datacenter it would be worthwhile to do.
> Perhaps you guys have thought of something similar, or maybe there already
> IS something like this out there? Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly
> appreciated.

Another approach would be, (however you need at least 2 computers) to
connect the computers serial ports with null-modem cables and tell lilo
and the kernel to use the serial port as console.

You then logon on the one computer to get the console of the other.

Kind of a cheap console server.

I have not tried it, but I think it should work.
Could someone comment on this?


     Florian Friesdorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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