** On Apr 25, Marek L. Kozak scribbled:
> Marek Habersack wrote:
> > If you have a Java applet, then the user will see just a "webpage", so
> > what's the problem? Do you think the PolChat "web" chats are "web-based"?
> > They are just Java Applets that connect to a Java (yuck) server behind the
> > scenes. Find a suitable Java IRC applet client, set up your own IRC server
> > accessible only from your host with an associated proxy to which the IRC
> > applet will connect and authenticate. If the proxy verifies that the
> > connection is legit and comes from your machines (i.e. from a Java applet
> > hosted on your server) then it forwards the connection to your IRC server.
> I'm currently testing EIRC (http://eirc.sourceforge.net) it has almost
> all features I wanted and can be connected thru IRC client or WWW
> browser.
You might want to try http://www.majik3d.org/~namhas/jicra/ since it is more
chat-like and much less heavy than EIRC.
Visit: http://caudium.net - the Caudium WebServer
/* A completely unrelated fortune */
An optimist is a man who looks forward to marriage. A pessimist is a
married optimist.
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