** On Apr 23, Marek L. Kozak scribbled:
> Fraser Campbell wrote:
> > "Marek L. Kozak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > I nned to set up a chat-server that can be connected with a web browser
> > > like Netscape or IE.
> > > Can someone recommend a good (written in C or C++ - not Java) software
> > > for this ?
> >
> > Why not use IRC? There are some free java IRC clients and there are lots of
> > capable (and free) native clients.
> Well, I'd use IRC if it was only me, who is interested. I often use
> XChat when I want to talk, however most people here (I run internet
> cafe) prefer to chat via a web browser. So, best would be join IRC
> server with WWW clients.
If you have a Java applet, then the user will see just a "webpage", so
what's the problem? Do you think the PolChat "web" chats are "web-based"?
They are just Java Applets that connect to a Java (yuck) server behind the
scenes. Find a suitable Java IRC applet client, set up your own IRC server
accessible only from your host with an associated proxy to which the IRC
applet will connect and authenticate. If the proxy verifies that the
connection is legit and comes from your machines (i.e. from a Java applet
hosted on your server) then it forwards the connection to your IRC server.
Visit: http://caudium.net - the Caudium WebServer
/* A completely unrelated fortune */
There once was a freshman named Lin, Whose tool was as thin as a pin, A
virgin named Joan From a bible belt home, Said "This won't be much of a
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