
sebul <seb...@gmail.com> wrote (Sat, 7 May 2022 21:49:08 +0900):
> Hello.
> https://www.debian.org/international/l10n/ddtp.en.html
> says
> Once you notice common typos or other easy to correct errors such as
> encoding problems, it is possible to bypass any review process and to fix
> this for all packages at once using a script. It is suggested that only one
> trusted translation coordinator collects all these issues and applies the
> script.
> Can I korean translation of directory from '디렉토리' to '디렉터리' using a script ?
> Can I korean translation of desktop from '데스크탑' to '데스크톱' using a script ?
> How can I do it?

Looking at the history in Salsa, this phrase has been there from the very
beginning of this documentation (2006).
In the meantime, the process / the used system has changed dramatically,
so I guess this might no longer work (don't know if it ever worked).

I think it is more a description of how it could work ("someone could write
a script, which processes all package description at once, to fix general
typos"). It might mean, that no such script exists yet, or the person
who had such script is no longer active...


Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>
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