Hi Holger,

Holger Wansing schreef op vr 15-06-2018 om 22:53 [+0200]:
> Hi Frans,
> Frans Spiesschaert <frans.spiesscha...@yucom.be> wrote:
> > Since the localisation pages of the website (https://www.debian.org
> > /int
> > ernational/l10n/**/**) haven't seen any updates since May 20th,
> > 2018, I
> > was wondering if any progress was made recently in solving bug
> > #887107.
> please note, that the recent dis-commissioning of the Alioth server
> has putĀ 
> a lot of work on many people's shoulders, additionally to the work
> that was
> already there before Alioth's shutdown...

Sure, I completely understand this and I feel extremely grateful for
all the ones doing such a tremendous job.

> So, please please, be patient.

I will. And your answer reassures me that this problem hasn't been gone
out of sight.
It's just that I feel a bit lost when I am deprived of reliable
information on the translation status of packages, debconf strings and
so on.

> Holger

Best Regards,
Frans Spiesschaert

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