Hi Frans, Frans Spiesschaert <frans.spiesscha...@yucom.be> wrote: > Since the localisation pages of the website (https://www.debian.org/int > ernational/l10n/**/**) haven't seen any updates since May 20th, 2018, I > was wondering if any progress was made recently in solving bug #887107.
please note, that the recent dis-commissioning of the Alioth server has put a lot of work on many people's shoulders, additionally to the work that was already there before Alioth's shutdown... So, please please, be patient. Holger -- ============================================================ Created with Sylpheed 3.5.1 under D E B I A N L I N U X 9 " S T R E T C H " . Registered Linux User #311290 - https://linuxcounter.net/ ============================================================