On 2014-08-06
David Prévot <taf...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Le 06/08/2014 15:36, fr33domlover a écrit :
> > What do I fill in as PACKAGE and VERSION?
> Even if that’s useless here, the subject of the message you’re replying
> to gives a fair hint: the package is linux and its version 3.14.13-2.
> Regards
> David

Thanks, I submitted a translation as a wishlist bug. Is it enough to sumbit it
as maintonly (i.e. notification sent only to maintainer, not to this list) or
should I also send it here or let someone know? I sent my previous PO files
without the --maintonly option of `reportbug` because I didn't notice it (and
wasn't sure anyway).

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