Quoting Georges Khaznadar (georg...@debian.org):
> Dear Debian I18N people,
> I would like to know if some of you would be interested in translating
> wims-moodle.
> wims-moodle already includes es.po fr.po ja.po pt.po ru.po sv.po.
> So do not translate it to these languages (the translators will be
> contacted separately).
> language        translated     fuzzy     untranslated
> -----------------------------------------------------
>   es                 4
>   fr                 4
>   ja                 4
>   pt                 4
>   ru                 4
>   sv                 4

Sorry, Georges, but we have a review of debconf templates under work
(#741108)....and I'm afraid that this call for translations interferes
with it.

The review process is *not* completed as of now (I sent a "Last Chance
For Comments" mail to debian-l10n-english and in the review bug
report). And, anyway, I'll take care of the call for translations
myself, as announced in the original mail that was explaining the
review process....this helps in avoiding misunderstandings about what
need to be translated exactly.

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