Quoting Slavko (li...@slavino.sk):

> > I actually have an idea to simply hire a VPS somewhere in the cloud, maybe
> > Amazon EC2 or something and run it on that. That would solve the
> > availability problem. But that requires a bit more time than I have
> > available right now.
> I know, that people here are working with limited time and in their free
> time. I track informations about these problems in this ML. I know about
> plans of the moving to debian.org too, etc.

These plans being in the middle of the road and in need of something
like an i18n sprint to achieve them.

It seems, however, that if I don't organize it, it will not
happen. Sadly, my investment in all these things has been reduced
during last year because....priorities change over time : as a
consequence, I'm still interested to participate in all this but I
fail to find the motivation to *organize* it.

And, as aconsequence, things remain as they are.

For instance, we have two daily messages about failure to exchange
information with ftp-master.debian.org since the release of wheezy and
the advent of jessie. Nothing happened yet.

> I only want to share my frustration from these problems in hope, that
> this can take things into forward...
> But, besides my frustration, there is more considerable point - after
> some of breakdown, my APT was some of packages without description -
> translated nor English - simple blank place in aptitude. This was solved
> after the DDTSS was coming up again, then i decided, that these two
> things can be related. Or i am wrong?

This, I don't know.

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