On 3 July 2013 18:16, Slavko <li...@slavino.sk> wrote:

> I only want to share my frustration from these problems in hope, that
> this can take things into forward...

I hope so too.

> But, besides my frustration, there is more considerable point - after
> some of breakdown, my APT was some of packages without description -
> translated nor English - simple blank place in aptitude. This was solved
> after the DDTSS was coming up again, then i decided, that these two
> things can be related. Or i am wrong?

Seems unlikely. If the DDTSS is down then nothing is synced, not even empty
descriptions. But an easy way to check is to download a translations file
or find the one on your system. If you can find one with empty content I'd
be very interested.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <klep...@gmail.com> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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